Pass category id with url parameter?
Pass category id with url parameter?
Auteur du sujet
il y a 7 ans 9 mois #4704
par Krx
Is it possible to pass category ID as url parameter?
I need to create several clickable buttons, when clicked to open or refresh map and show only items from clicked category?
Also one button to reset category.
It's doable with creating many Joomla menu items but I'd like to avoid that.
Any suggestion is welcomed
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Auteur du sujet
il y a 7 ans 9 mois #4706
par Krx
I need it to look like what I attached in this post.
This map will be shown in big info touch enabled screen in full screen
10-15 buttons, one for each category and one button for reset things.
When touched only one category will be shown
I saw Gmap Displays, it and I've considered to purchase one of those but:
- I don't need it to work and look like what's shown in these two demos.
- I don't know if it will work properly in that touch panel because we tested GmapFP in that touch panel
and Gmap DropDown Menus for Category and City doesn't work.
Don't ask me why because they don't know either. It seems that drop down menus are disabled in their core UI
because of some security purposes.
For that panel I created empty template based on Protostar copy, which shows only Gmap in full screen
Nothing else.
So I need to have plain and simple buttons with onclick="this.form.submit();" on them.
Because you already know your code,
I asked here to save me some time until I figure out proper value to send via it.
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Pass category id with url parameter?
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