php syntax display custom fields in article

  • mjl1817
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il y a 10 ans 1 semaine #3440 par mjl1817
php syntax display custom fields in article a été créé par mjl1817
I am attempting to modify one of the templates but I am running into a difficulty regarding the custom fields. I cannot figure out the correct syntax structure to pull the correct field or information. I have tried the following

if ($row->custom field name!=null) {echo '<span><span itemprop="customfieldname">'.$row->customfield.'</span></span><br />';};

also I have tried echo "$customfieldalis";

and $txt = "";
$x = $customfieldname;
$y = $customfieldname;

echo $txt;
echo "<br>";
echo $x;
echo "<br>";
echo $y;

none of which works. Could you please give me an idea of what I am failing to do?
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il y a 10 ans 1 semaine #3445 par gmapfp

The name of the custom fields are :


with xx are the id of the field.
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  • mjl1817
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il y a 10 ans 1 semaine #3447 par mjl1817
Réponse de mjl1817 sur le sujet php syntax display custom fields in article
Solved! works perfectly,
Thank you!
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