Migration GMapFP free Joomla 3 to Jomla 4

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il y a 2 ans 3 mois #5273 par tramber91
Just to know, what is the proces for migration GMapFP free from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4
I cannot install/upgrade gmapfp_J4_9F in Joomla 3 website (Error message Duplicate entry '0' for key 'idx_access')
If I uninstall first Joomla 3 version, i loose database table

a kind of process below is the good process ?
  • I need to export Gmap_FP tables first from database
  • uninstall Gmap_FP in Joomla 3 website
  • migrate to Joomla 4
  • Install gmapfp_J4_9F
  • and import in Joomla 4 database old Gmap_FP Joomla 3 tables
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