Linking Place to an anchor

  • wmegerton
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il y a 6 ans 3 mois - il y a 6 ans 3 mois #5010 par wmegerton
Linking Place to an anchor a été créé par wmegerton
I am in the process of converting my website from Mike Reumer's GoogleMaps extension, sadly no longer supported, to GMapFP. In the previous implementation, I had a map at the top of the page, with markers which linked by means of anchor points to larger photographs and details further down the same page. I have discovered that GMapFP is able to do this by, firstly by adding the photographs and details (with anchor points) below the map by means of a Personalisation, and then by inserting the full URL with anchor point into the Link box on the Place Manager page, as for example "". As this link is to the same page, it would be both simpler and more portable to be able to enter the link as a bare anchor, as for example "#IMG_0777".

I have modified the code in /components/com_gmapfp/libraries/map_v3.php on my website to make this possible. The modification is very simple. Where variable $map_link is created, I have added the instruction $link1=substr(trim($row->link),0,1); to obtain the first character of the link, and then I have added the test ||($link1=="#") twice further down so that the anchor link is used, with $choix set to 0. The complete code at this point therefore becomes:

if ($link4=="www.") {$linkmap="http://".$linkmap;};

if ((empty($row->link))||($row->link='')) {
if(!class_exists('GMapFPHelperRoute')) require_once (JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_gmapfp/helpers/route.php');
if ($config->get('target')==0) {
// $map_link=JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_gmapfp&view=gmapfp&Itemid='.$itemid.'&layout=article&tmpl=component&id='.$row->id, false);
$map_link=JRoute::_(GMapFPHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->slug).'&tmpl=component', false);
// $map_link=JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_gmapfp&view=gmapfp&Itemid='.$itemid.'&layout=article&id='.$row->slug, false);
$map_link=JRoute::_(GMapFPHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->slug), false);
} else {
if (($link5=="http:")||($link4=="www.")||($link1=="#")||($link9=="index.php")) {
if (($link5=="http:")||($link4=="www.")||($link1=="#")) {$choix=0;}else{$choix=1;};
} else {
if(!class_exists('ContentHelperRoute')) require_once (JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_content/helpers/route.php');
if ($config->get('target')==0) {
$map_link=JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->article_slug, $row->article_id.':'.$row->article_alias, 0));
$map_link .= '?&tmpl=component';
$map_link=JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->article_slug, $row->article_id.':'.$row->article_alias, 0));
If you think this modification might be of general value, perhaps you might consider incorporating it into a future release.

I apologise that my French is no longer good enough to be able to write this in French.
With thanks,
Bill Egerton
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 3 mois par wmegerton. Raison: Minor correction

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