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Alternative to Google Maps
Alternative to Google Maps
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il y a 6 ans 7 mois #4939
par webilicious
As per
mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2018/05/intr...e-maps-platform.html Google Maps users are now required to open a billing account and provide a credit card number.
This is not an appealing prospect or simple operation for many of my clients.
I have been able to switch to
www.openstreetmap.org for simple location maps and this works reasonably well.
Is there any plan to provide any alternatives to Google Maps in GMapFP?
Thanks and keep up the good work.
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il y a 6 ans 7 mois #4940
par gmapfp
I thinked à this possibility.
I saw for interfacing GMapFP with OpenStreetMap.
And I will work on it in the next months
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Auteur du sujet
il y a 6 ans 7 mois #4942
par webilicious
This is excellent news!
Thanks so much for the prompt reply.
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il y a 6 ans 2 mois #4999
par ija
You already know this happened: Google Maps users are now required to open a billing account and provide a credit card number.
The team is down: Tutorial: How to create an API key for Google GMapFP is invalid, Google has made big changes there.
Can you expect the transition to openstreetmaps in the foreseeable future?
Because the fear in the Google payment system is huge. What prevents potential abuse? Robotically increase the number of clicks. And we pay.
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il y a 6 ans 2 mois #5000
par gmapfp
The insert of OSM is already built.
I will now find a solution for Geocoding and the direction function.
I will like finish it for january.
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il y a 6 ans 2 mois #5001
par ija
Thank you for your quick reply and I am very happy!
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Suggestion Box and/or general discussion
Alternative to Google Maps
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