Contact Number - new field for contact map form

  • parody35
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il y a 11 ans 6 mois #1645 par parody35
Hi I need to create a field on the contact form after the name so people can enter their contact number. I need to make this required.
How do I do this?

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il y a 11 ans 6 mois #1646 par gmapfp

Which version ?

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  • parody35
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il y a 11 ans 6 mois #1647 par parody35
Réponse de parody35 sur le sujet Contact Number - new field for contact map form
Oh yes sorry.
I'm using joomla 2.5.11 for this

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il y a 11 ans 6 mois #1648 par gmapfp
And of GMapFP ? It's the free or pro version ?

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  • parody35
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il y a 11 ans 6 mois #1649 par parody35
Réponse de parody35 sur le sujet Contact Number - new field for contact map form
It is the ContactMap component the free version

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il y a 11 ans 6 mois #1658 par gmapfp

For add a field in the contact form, you must change the code.

The form in : /components/com_contactmap/views/contactmap/tmpl/default_form.php
The send file : /components/com_contactmap/controller.php

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