Full screen mode not working

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il y a 3 ans 3 mois #5223 par marscom
the component is really great; just: clicking the full screen icon leads to a short opening of the map - and then disappearing instantly. You can check this here:

The site runs on J4

Seems like I'm not the first one to mention this issue. But I couldn't find any remedy...
Thanks for any hint,

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il y a 3 ans 3 mois - il y a 3 ans 3 mois #5224 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet Full screen mode not working

You have a configuration problem on your hosting or site.
See the errors in the console of your browser (or the picture).

I can see the map !
If I disclaim the cookie.

I saw the error. I will check it.

Pièces jointes :
Dernière édition: il y a 3 ans 3 mois par gmapfp.

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il y a 3 ans 3 mois #5225 par marscom
Réponse de marscom sur le sujet Full screen mode not working
thanks for checking. So ... you're caring about the issue? I'm not quite sure what to do after your message ;-)

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il y a 3 ans 2 mois - il y a 3 ans 2 mois #5226 par marscom
Réponse de marscom sur le sujet Full screen mode not working
just wanted to let you know that I do not have any errors in the console. That's quite strange, as your screenshot shows lots of loading errors. But there's nothing such here. The only message that appears is when opening the map in full screen mode - and when it disappears immediately (see screenshot)

Could you check the issue in the meantime?

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Dernière édition: il y a 3 ans 2 mois par marscom. Raison: adding screenshot

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